




此处的删节内容为:owned by the head of the organizing committee for the festival. He also owns a fireworks factory.



删节内容为:The Houshan temple’s ritual network expanded dramatically as recently as 2014, with the creation of the “outer” parade, about which I have so far said very little. This is a new innovation, and it generates much complaining. Even the visitor from outside gets a sense that all is not well. When the procession passes through Shangtian, the home village of the organizers, several groups of men sit by the side of the road playing cards and very deliberately ignore the proceedings to show their disdain. People complain that with the procession divided, the focus of the event has been dispersed. It is not as “hot and noisy” (renao) as it should be. The quality of the hired performers is poor; they don’t show enough enthusiasm. Many complain that the innovation of two processions was not the genuine desire of the gods. They see it rather as an expression of the greed of the chief organizer —for he owns the local fireworks factory, and more processions means more fireworks. This contemporary social tension reminds us that village rituals are always shaped by local micropolitics.

本人翻译如下: 后山庙的整个仪式网络在2014年大为扩大,并创建了“外部”游行队伍,到目前为止,我对此(“外部”游行队伍)只字未提。这是一项新的创新,但引起了很多抱怨。甚至来自外部的访客也感觉到一切都不好。当游行队伍经过组织者的家乡上田时,几组人坐在路边打牌,故意地忽略了仪式程序以示鄙视。人们抱怨随着游行队伍的分裂,仪式的重点消散了。不像它应该的“热闹”。雇佣的表演者素质很差;没有表现出足够的热情。许多人抱怨进行两个游行的创新不是神的真正愿望。他们认为这是组织者贪婪的表现——因为他拥有烟花工厂,而更多的游行意味着更多的烟火。这种当代的社会紧张状况提醒我们,乡村的习俗总是受当地的微观政治影响。



被删节部分:In some ways, the shift from informal to formal mechanisms of state control is still ongoing in China even today.


下面三处连着:我们今天依然在中国听到的一句老话“阳奉阴违”,很好地概括了本书所讨论策略的精髓。无独有偶,这句老话最早的一个出处是明末一封关于徭役的奏疏——尽管今天使用这句话的人大多不知道这一点。() 我在上文的三点观察当中——关于契约、非正式组织以及国家语言的使用——至少第三点似乎在某种程度上适用于当今中国社会——我和中国人谈起这个课题时,他们往往最关注这一点。()举例来说,在中国某些地区,我们不难发现近年来重修的一些地方庙宇同时充作“老人娱乐中心”和“民俗研究所”。高丙中解释,当百姓重修法律地位模糊的寺庙时,他们会同时把它塑造成为一个绝对合法的社会组织。他把这个现象称为“双名制”。筹建寺庙的人利用某个管理制度,如负责老人活动或民俗研究的机构,争取获得另一个管理制度——负责民间信仰的机构——的批准。魏乐博进一步阐发了这个观点,提出了“盲眼治理模式”的概念。(*)同时,它也是明代官府依赖非正式管理手段在当代的写照。

被删节部分:Examples of “complying overtly but violating covertly” abound in contemporary China. Many of China’s greatest fortunes were made in the early reform era through regulatory arbitrage, by people purchasing things in the command economy system and selling them at a higher price in the market economy (in this case I do use the term in the narrow sense, with its contemporary negative connotation). Jiang Jishi and his fellow naval officers from Fuquan in the Ming would have been right at home in the PLA Navy of the 1980s and 1990s, in which smuggling and collusion with smugglers was rife.

In the Maoist period, people continued to use state vocabulary deliberately to frame their political claims, and they still do so today.

Robert Weller develops this argument further with the notion of blind-eyed governance, a “don’t ask, don’t tell” attitude on the part of the government to social forms and actions that are outside the strict letter of the law but are nonetheless tolerated. He suggests that officials turning a blind eye is actually a fundamental principle of politics in contemporary China.



魏乐博(Robert Weller)以“盲眼治理模式”的概念进一步发展了这一观点,即政府对“法律要求”之外的社会形式和行为持“不问,不说”的态度是可以容忍的。他认为,官员们视而不见实际上是当代中国政治的基本原则。这三段显然是评论现实太明显了。


这里删节比较多,将两段内容合为一段了。被删节原文如下:In Pinghai, the God of the Wall is once again taking his annual tour of the community, as he has done for centuries. The villagers’ ears are ringing from the cannons and their eyes are watery from the firecrackers. The path of the procession has been swept clean to ensure the purity of the ritual; now it is dotted red with the blood of the spirit mediums, who demonstrate their imperviousness to pain by piercing and cutting their bodies. The children of the village scurry around to get the best view of the spectacle; their grandmothers pull them away to shelter them from the baleful influence of the spirits. As the young men of the village carry the god and the various symbols of his authority, they recall the founding of their town by the god in his human form, more than six centuries ago. They commemorate and enact their identity as townsfolk and their distinctiveness from the villages around them. The organizers know that they should call the procession festival “intangible cultural heritage” or “popular culture,” lest the authorities label it instead as “feudal superstition.” Organizers and participants alike subtly commemorate and enact a distinctive mode of everyday politics.

